Rice: Pulling Troops from Syria is ‘Batsh-t Crazy’

Rice: Pulling Troops from Syria is ‘Batsh-t Crazy’

October 8, 2019

On CBS’s The Late Show on Monday, Susan Rice described President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria as “batshit crazy.”

“This is just batshit crazy. These are the people who for the last four years have been fighting on our behalf, with our equipment to defeat ISIS, and they have done it with enormous efficacy, and they’ve sacrificed immensely, and we basically just said to them, ‘See ya.’ And let the Turks, who are like the hungry wolf trying to kill the lamb, go for it,” Rice said.

“It’s just appalling because we promised the Kurds our partnership, and we promised them that if they worked with us to defeat our common enemy, then we would stand with them,” Rice continued. “And Trump woke up on the wrong side of the bed, it appears, and decided never mind…”

Trump is not abandoning the Kurds and Rice knows it. Rice, by the way, was national security adviser under Barack Obama, who abandoned Iranian citizens to their terrorist regime during their Green Revolution.

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