Rev. Al: We Want to ‘Reinterpret How We Do Public Safety’

Rev. Al: We Want to ‘Reinterpret How We Do Public Safety’

June 8, 2020

Monday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, demagogue Al Sharpton claimed that only “the far extremes” want to abolish police departments after the death of Minneapolis black man George Floyd in police custody.

“I’ve heard they’re really talking about adjusting and, in many ways, recommitting the funding toward things like community policing, like mental health, intervention that does not involve policing as we know it and putting a lot into police training,” Sharpton said.

“I don’t think that anyone other than the far extremes are saying we don’t want any kind of policing at all, any kind of public safety,” he continued. “It’s to reinterpret how we do public safety and to reallocate those resources in ways that solve the problem in the areas that I just outlined. So, I think that the slogan may be misleading without interpretation.”

In fact, the Democrat Party is controlled by the extremists, and the abolition of police departments has already begun, with the Minneapolis City Council voting to disband its department.

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