Rev. Al Upset That Rioters Are Destroying Black-Owned Stores

Rev. Al Upset That Rioters Are Destroying Black-Owned Stores

May 29, 2020

Friday on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, racial agitator Al Sharpton expressed his outrage about the rioters and looters setting Minneapolis afire in the wake of the death of George Floyd, complaining that “some of the stores that are being damaged are black-owned stores!”

“The question now is how you deal with that outrage to where you get the results you’re looking for, which is a fair criminal justice system,” he opined. “And you don’t do it by appearing to be criminal yourself. We are not the ones that inflict the pain. We are the ones that have been pained. And our reaction must show that, and highlight that. Otherwise, people will exploit that and change the focus into demonizing those that conduct themselves in a violent way, rather than those that are saying, as the Floyd family is saying, we want justice…”

Sharpton added that as he walked around Minneapolis yesterday with ministers and officials, he noticed “some of the stores that are being damaged are black-owned stores! So we cannot become so reckless that we are destroying each other in our rage.”

Is the rioting and looting OK with Sharpton when the stores are white-owned?

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