Rep. Richmond: Trump’s Actions Have Cost American Lives

Rep. Richmond: Trump’s Actions Have Cost American Lives

March 30, 2020

Sunday on MSNBC’s Kasie DC, Rep. Cedric Richmond accused President Trump of costing American lives by his response to the coronavirus outbreak.

“Look, if you ask me do I think the president’s actions have cost us American lives? The answer is yes, unfortunately,” Richmond declared. “Let’s go back to, I believe it was January 22nd when he did his first interview, and I think it was on CNBC and they asked him, ‘Do you think we have the danger of a pandemic from coronavirus?’ He said, ‘No, no, no, not at all. We have this totally under control…’

Trump was simply trying not to let the press incite a panic. His actions will prevent more American deaths over the course of this pandemic. Despite Richmond’s claim, he closed by getting in Trump’s corner.

“Look, people know how I feel about President Trump, but right now, I am his biggest fan,” he added. “I want him to win because if he wins, that means we save lives. I’m just not that confident that he has it in him to do it. But I’m hoping for him, I’m praying for him, and I’m praying for the American people.”

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