Rep. Maxine Waters’ Campaign Paid Daughter $240,000

Rep. Maxine Waters’ Campaign Paid Daughter $240,000

December 7, 2020

Anti-Trump hysteric Rep. Maxine Waters’ campaign reportedly paid her daughter hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past election cycle, according to Breitbart News.

“Karen Waters received a total of about $240,000 from her 82-year-old mother’s campaign during the election cycle, Federal Election Commission records show,” Fox News reported Friday. “The newest data appear across two separate pages of the FEC website: a newly submitted listing of campaign payments (called a ‘post-general’ filing) that includes more than $28,000 in payouts to Karen Waters, and an earlier submitted listing on a page titled, ‘Schedule B: Itemized Disbursements,’ that includes more than $212,000 in payments to the daughter.

“The newest FEC filing shows five entries for Karen Waters: a $1,000 payment dated Oct. 23 for ‘Walker payments’; payments of $900 and $5,000, dated Oct. 30 and Nov. 2, respectively, both marked ‘GOTV’; and payments of $8,750 and $12,500, dated Nov. 6 and Nov. 17, respectively, both marked ‘Slate Mailer Management Fee.’ The five payments total $28,150.”

In 2018, Waters was hit with an ethics complaint from the FEC over funds raised from her campaign mailers. “Water’s slate mailers have been controversial for years. The California congresswoman reportedly paid her daughter, Karen Waters, and her public relations firm Progressive Connections $750,000 since 2004 to produce sample ballots included in campaign mailers,” the report stated.

Waters has not addressed this allegation; instead, she argued in an MSNBC interview last week that it’s President Trump who should be investigated.”What he has done in the four years that he has served as president is simply unconscionable, I think criminal in some cases. He’s placed this country in danger. And the president of the United States is supposed to be about making sure that the country is safe and secure, and he has done everything possible to undermine our democracy.”

Fact check: to paraphrase Mary McCarthy about playwright Lillian Hellman, every word in the corrupt Waters’ accusation is a lie, including “the” and “and.”

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