Rep. Lee: ‘Despicable’ Trump Doesn’t Care About Black Lives

Rep. Lee: ‘Despicable’ Trump Doesn’t Care About Black Lives

June 1, 2020

Friday on MSNBC, during the coverage of nationwide rioting over the death of George Floyd, Rep. Barbara Lee urged protesters to keep up their “street heat” because President Trump thinks black lives don’t matter.

“These protests, the street heat, and all of the activism has got to continue because that is the only way members of Congress, elected officials, are going to respond…” Lee claimed.

“This president is not worthy of the office first of all. By announcing it’s ok to shoot, you know to me is despicable. He is inciting violence,” she continued, referring to the left’s lie that Trump said looters should be shot. She went on to rant that he “has allowed black and brown people to disparately die from COVID-19 and to also continue to incite the violence that is taking place through unnecessary disregard for black lives. Black lives do matter. This president has no idea and no clue. I don’t believe he cares about black lives at all.”

Democrat officials like Lee depend on such race-baiting demagoguery to keep their base agitated and to maintain their hold on power.

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