Rep. Green Uses Fake News Photo For Impeachment

Rep. Green Uses Fake News Photo For Impeachment

December 19, 2019

To make his case for President Trump’s impeachment during the House of Representatives debate on Wednesday, Rep. Al Green used a fake news photograph of a crying migrant toddler purportedly “ripped from her mother’s arms at the U.S.-Mexico border,” as Democrats are fond of claiming.

Green, who has spent Trump’s entire term calling for impeachment, spoke next to a poster of the photograph under the red-lettered slogan “Impeach Now” and claimed he was speaking “in the name of democracy” and “for the sake of the many who are suffering.”

However, as pointed out by Breitbart News, the photo of the squalling two-year-old Honduran migrant girl who became the iconic symbol of opposition to the Trump administration’s immigration policy is pure propaganda. That child was never separated from her mother when caught by U.S. Border Patrol. In fact, the mother was right there with the child, just out of frame of the photo.

Green surely knows this, but there’s no room for inconvenient facts in Democrat demagoguery.

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