Rep. Clyburn: ‘Not Too Sure’ Bill of Rights Would Pass Today

Rep. Clyburn: ‘Not Too Sure’ Bill of Rights Would Pass Today

September 9, 2019

In an interview Sunday on MSNBC, House Majority Whip James Clyburn said he doubted the Bill of Rights would pass in “the climate that we’re in today.”

“I really believe sincerely – the climate that we’re in today – if the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments of the United States Constitution, were put before the public today, I’m not too sure that we would hold onto the Bill of Rights,” he said. “Especially when I see what people are doing with the 2nd Amendment and no telling what they would do with the 1st Amendment.”

The MSNBC interviewer asked, “You really believe that? That’s a startling statement. You believe that?”

“Absolutely,” Clyburn replied. “There would be a strong support against the Bill of Rights. Go through the Bill of Rights and I’ll tell you I run into people every day who would like to see so much of those guarantees uprooted.” Yes, and those people belong to Clyburn’s Democrat Party.


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