Another day, another anti-Trump Twitter complaint from filmmaker and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer Rob Reiner. On Wednesday, Reiner wrote, “We have a Criminal living in our White House. Full stop.”
It’s unclear specifically what prompted this observation from the perpetually-disgruntled director and former All in the Family actor, but it likely referred to news that the Department of Justice planned to reduce its original sentencing recommendation for political consultant Roger Stone, who was convicted of witness tampering and lying to investigators in the course of the 3-year Mueller witch hunt into Russian election collusion.
Sunday on MSNBC, Reiner said, “This is going to be a turnout election. We’ll have to get behind whoever is the nominee… They have to smack him in the nose and smack him hard. The guy is a liar, a racist, and he is a cheat. So we have to be very tough with him… [W]e have to punch him in the nose.”
If only Reiner put half as much passion into making a decent film as he does into hating Trump.