Reiner Pushes Sanders Supporters to Biden

Reiner Pushes Sanders Supporters to Biden

April 14, 2020

Filmmaker and anti-Trump social media agitator Rob Reiner took to Twitter Monday to urge diehard Bernie Sanders supporters to get behind presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden and ensure the “biggest landslide” election victory in U.S. history.

“Bernie Sanders has given his full throated support to Joe Biden. If Sen. Sanders’ supporters do the same, Decency, Humanity, Science and Justice will defeat Ignorance, Racism, Corruption and Incompetence by the biggest landslide in US History,” Reiner tweeted. The former All in the Family “Meathead” has said previously that he believes Biden has the “best chance” to defeat President Trump in November.

“I think that if he [Biden] becomes president, on day one, America will be brought back to where it belongs in the world,” said Reiner.

Trump is already taking America to where it belongs — great again. If Biden or any other Dem becomes president, America will be dragged back down to where the radical Barack Obama wanted it.

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