Reid: GOP ‘Willing to Destroy Economy Just to Own the Libs’

Reid: GOP ‘Willing to Destroy Economy Just to Own the Libs’

September 24, 2021

Wednesday on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, racist propagandist anchor Joy Reid called Republicans “nihilistic” for not voting to raise the debt ceiling.

Discussing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) saying Republicans “will not support legislation that raises the debt limit,” Reid said, “We begin “The ReidOut” tonight with a political party that is so nihilistic they are literally willing to destroy the U.S. economy just to own the libs.”

Unbelievable projection. Before the Democrats weaponized the manufactured pandemic and fraudulently installed Joe Biden in the White House, the American economy was doing great under Donald Trump. Biden and his fellow Democrats are the ones destroying the economy.

Reid added, “It’s clear it’s a straight-up dereliction of duty. The thing is, Mitch McConnell doesn’t care what happens to Americans,” Reid continued to lie. In fact, it is Democrats who will sacrifice any number of Americans to feed their lust for political power.

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