Raskin Smears GOP as Fascistic ‘Shrinking Minority Party’

Raskin Smears GOP as Fascistic ‘Shrinking Minority Party’

January 7, 2022

During his speech at the January 6 Day of Remembrance and Action candlelight vigil, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) smeared Republicans as a “shrinking minority party standing with the most authoritarian, fascistic elements of the whole country.”

The Maryland Democrat began by asking rhetorically, “And where are those phony defenders of law enforcement who only rear their ugly heads when some racist cop beats up an African-American citizen? We don’t hear from them about January 6, do we?”

What ugly nonsense. There is no comparison between the two. And the narrative Raskin and his fellow power-mongers have created about the January 6 breach of the Capitol is entirely a Big Lie.

“The young people are on our side. The new Americans are on our side. They [Republicans] are a shrinking minority party standing with the most authoritarian, fascistic elements of the whole country,” Raskin continued. He also accused Republicans of what he called “voter suppression tactics” such as voter integrity bills.

Raskin is nothing but a hateful demagogue. There is no voter suppression from the right, only widespread voter fraud from Raskin’s party. The fascism and authoritarianism stem from Raskin’s side of the aisle; the right stands for liberty and justice for all.

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