Raskin: OK, Hunter DID Try to ‘Divert’ Money to Family, But That’s Nuthin’ to Do With Joe

Raskin: OK, Hunter DID Try to ‘Divert’ Money to Family, But That’s Nuthin’ to Do With Joe

August 8, 2023

Monday on NewsNation’s Cuomo, congential liar and anti-Trump hysteric Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) stated that “Hunter Biden was obviously trying to divert the different kinds of money” into bank accounts in the names of his family, but none of that involves President Biden, who has “never been accused, meaningfully, of any corruption in his life. I don’t think it has started now.”

After host Chris Cuomo referenced payments to members of the Biden family, Raskin responded, “As far as I know, Hunter Biden made a bunch of business deals, which is lawful, which a lot of family members have done, Republican, Democrat, other political families, they’ve done the same thing. And he had it — the money diverted into different funds. I don’t know there’s an allegation of any crime there, but what is the crime that’s being asserted?”

Cuomo then asked, “Well, you don’t find it curious that multiple members of the Biden family — allegedly, again, because I haven’t been able to get to the bottom of any of it — received payments from corporations, foreign corporations, when we don’t know whether or not they’re in any kind of consulting business, isn’t that of concern?”

Raskin answered, “The only ones I’m aware of being alleged are ones where Hunter Biden got payments. He was able to insinuate himself into a situation where he was getting paid and then he had the payments directed to different accounts and in the names of different people, including children or babies. I don’t think those babies were involved in political corruption.”

Raskin added, “I think Hunter Biden was obviously trying to divert the different kinds of money that he had coming in. That’s my best understanding of that situation. Again, none of it touches President Biden.”

Raskin further stated, “He’s in his late 70s — or early 80s now — as they never stop reminding us. He’s never been accused, meaningfully, of any corruption in his life. I don’t think it has started now.”

I believe this is known as “gaslighting the American people.”

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