Psaki: Trump ‘Running Because He Wants to Prevent Himself from Going to Jail’

Psaki: Trump ‘Running Because He Wants to Prevent Himself from Going to Jail’

July 18, 2023

Monday on MSNBC’s pointless show Joe Scarborough Presents, former White House Press Propagandist Jen Psaki claimed ludicrously that former President Trump is running for president again to “prevent himself from going to jail.”

Psaki said, “Here’s where I think sometimes we lose the thread. Trump is not running because he cares about policy. He is running because he wants to prevent himself from going to jail and pardoning himself, potentially. He’s also running to maybe pad his pockets. That is why he is running, it seems. He’s not deeply steeped in policy. He is not showing a real desire and passion about policy issues.”

She added, “Then there is just a team of people going along with him. When this New York Times story pointed out the fact that this is what we saw in areas of the first Trump term, what we’ve seen in the campaign so far is people who are following along to get along, going along to get along. They are not going to stop him from abusing power, from expanding power, from using the FCC to manipulate companies, hurt others, et cetera.”

Ridiculous. It’s true that Trump isn’t a “policy person,” but that’s because he’s not a career politician like all the useless corrupt politicos in D.C. — he’s a leader, and he is running because he wants to make this country great again. He’s also a billionaire, so the claim that he wants to be president so he can “pad his pockets” is laughable.

Let’s not pretend that Psaki has anything of substance to say as a political commentator. She’s a propagandist, and that’s what MSNBC employs.

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