Pressley: Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus ‘Akin to War Crimes’

Pressley: Trump’s Handling of Coronavirus ‘Akin to War Crimes’

April 21, 2020

At a virtual press conference on Facebook on Monday to declare what leftist policies should be included in the next coronavirus relief legislation, radical Rep. Ayanna Pressley compared President Trump’s management of the coronavirus outbreak to “war crimes.”

“So as far as I’m concerned what’s happening with this administration, it’s akin to war crimes,” Pressley said. “Criminal negligence, science denial, a sluggish response” — all of which are false accusations.

“And so we find ourselves in the position of playing catch up in the midst of a pandemic,” Pressley added. “Which is the last place you want to be in the midst of any public health crisis — certainly not a pandemic — is working from behind. And we just have to reject any calls for a return to normal because that normal was what was slowly killing people.”

Progressives like Pressley don’t want a return to normal — citizens be damned — because they see this crisis as an opportunity to fundamentally transform America in accord with their socialist vision.

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