Pressley: The ‘Constitution Is Sexist by its Very Design’

Pressley: The ‘Constitution Is Sexist by its Very Design’

February 14, 2020

Rep. Ayanna Pressley spoke in the House Wednesday in support of extending the deadline to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, claiming women are in “shackles” because the “Constitution is sexist by its very design.”

“In addition to pay discrimination, we face pregnancy discrimination — discrimination in the criminal legal system, sexual and domestic violence, and inadequate healthcare access,” Pressley added.

“But this isn’t an accident,” Pressley continued. “The American Constitution is sexist by its very design,” Pressley said. “This country’s laws have historically treated [women] like second-class citizens, depriving us of the right to vote, enter most jobs, and to own property,” Pressley said. “While some of those injustices may cease to exist, we still face tremendous barriers to our full participation in society.”

Hogwash. Women already have equal rights. They’ve had abortion rights for 47 years. They’re soaring past men in workplace management. Pay inequality is a myth. The legal system discriminates in favor of women.

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