Pressley: ‘Care’ and ‘Climate Justice’ Are Infrastructure

Pressley: ‘Care’ and ‘Climate Justice’ Are Infrastructure

August 12, 2021

Wednesday on Twitter, radical “Squad” member Rep. Ayanna Pressley cheered her party’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, a Trojan horse for their Green New Deal boondoggle, claiming that “climate justice is infrastructure.”

“Care is infrastructure. Climate justice is infrastructure. Housing is infrastructure,” Pressley tweeted. “We can and we must meet the moment.”

Democrats have redefined “infrastructure” to mean any aspect of their agenda, such as the social justice fantasy, “climate justice.”

Speaking on the leftist propaganda outlet National Public Radio (NPR), Pressley said she will work to ensure that the infrastructure bill will “meet the moment” and “be responsive to the needs of the people” when it comes time for her to vote on it.

“What progressives have been clear about since day one, as has President Biden, as has Democratic leadership, is that any vote on the narrow bipartisan infrastructure package must also come with a movement on a massive investment in tandem for workers and families,” she said. “And that’s care economy, housing, combating climate change and a pathway to citizenship for millions of our immigrant neighbors.

“If we’re serious about a just, equitable and robust recovery, it means making these sorts of bold investments and a sweeping package that meets the moment,” she added.

By “bold investments,” the race-mongering Pressley and her Marxist cohorts mean the dismantling of capitalism and the full embrace of a “just, equitable” socialism. And by “just and equitable,” they mean everyone will be equally impoverished except for the ruling elites like Pressley, who will live like royalty.

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