Pope Francis: Today’s World Needs Young ‘Transgressives’

Pope Francis: Today’s World Needs Young ‘Transgressives’

November 21, 2022

During his weekly Angelus message at the cathedral of Asti on Sunday, social justice warrior Pope Francis called on young people to be “transgressive” instead of conforming to the expectations of the world around them.

Today, “we need young people who are truly ‘transgressives,’ non-conformists, who are not slaves to their mobile phones, but who change the world,” he said. If they are transgressive, they will be “like Mary, bearing Jesus to others, taking care of others, building fraternal communities with others, making dreams of peace come true!”

The Virgin Mary went “in haste” to visit her cousin Elizabeth when she learned she was with child, the pope reflected. This is what today’s young need to do, he proposed, to “arise and go — not stay still thinking about ourselves, wasting our lives and chasing after comforts or the latest fads, but to aim for the heights, get on the move, leaving behind our own fears to reach out to those in need.”

The pope spent the weekend in the northern Italian city of Asti, ancestral home to his family, where he was awarded honorary citizenship by the local mayor. There he utilized another peculiar turn of phrase, insisting that the world is experiencing “a famine of peace.”

“Let’s think of how many places in the world are scourged by war, in particular of war-torn Ukraine. Let’s roll up our sleeves and continue to pray for peace!” he said.

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