Pope Francis Pushes ‘Universal Wage’ to Ease Coronavirus

Pope Francis Pushes ‘Universal Wage’ to Ease Coronavirus

April 14, 2020

In a letter to popular movements and community organizations, Pope Francis proposed a basic “universal wage” to ease economic hardships day laborers face during the “unbearable” coronavirus pandemic.

“I know that you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization,” he wrote. Benefits? Globalization has exacerbated the coronavirus impact, if not actually caused it. “You don’t have access to those superficial pleasures that anesthetize so many consciences. Despite this, you always have to suffer their ill effects.”

“Many of you live day-to-day without any legal guarantees to protect you…” Francis said. “[Y]ou don’t have a stable wage to get you through this moment… and the lockdowns become unbearable.”

“Maybe the time has come to think about a universal wage that recognizes and dignifies the noble and irreplaceable tasks you perform, capable of guaranteeing and bringing to life this human and Christian slogan: no worker without rights,” he said. Maybe the time has come for a Pope who stops pushing a socialist agenda that always leads to economic misery.

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