Pope Calls for ‘Courageous Steps’ to Limit Global Warming

Pope Calls for ‘Courageous Steps’ to Limit Global Warming

October 11, 2021

At a meeting Saturday to prepare for the U.N. Climate Change Conference COP26, environmentalist Pope Francis urged governments to “adopt without delay a course of action that would limit the average global temperature rise.”

The pope called on world leaders to “take courageous steps,” including “a transition towards clean energy; to adopt sustainable land use practices, preventing deforestation and restoring forests, conserving biodiversity.”

All of this, Francis added, “means a transition towards a more integral and inclusive model of development” and calls for a “demanding change of direction.”

Those in government “are responsible for influencing people’s actions by those means provided by the law,” he continued, “which lays down rules for admissible conduct in the light of the common good.”

In other words, government elites should coerce citizens to accept limitations on individual rights, freedoms, and prosperity for the “common good” as part of the globalist Great Reset.

“The challenge to promote an education for an integral ecology is one to which we, the representatives of the religions, are firmly committed,” he concluded.

Religious leaders should tend to the spiritual health of their flocks, not promote big-government boondoggles under the guise of creating an “integral ecology.”

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