Decrepit puppet President Joe Biden’s approval among his own Democrat Party has sunk 24 points since July 2021, according to Civiqs polling.
Just 64 percent of Democrats approve of Biden, down from 88 percent since last July. Biden’s approval has dropped a full five points in just the last three weeks.
In contrast, former President Trump held an approval rating among Republicans that hovered around 90 percent for years until January 12, dropping to 85 percent just before leaving office.
“There is a leadership vacuum right now, and he’s not filling it,” Democrat consultant Adam Jentleson told the Washington Post. “I sympathize with the argument that there’s very little they can do legislatively. But in moments of crisis, the president is called upon to be a leader. And when people are feeling scared and angry and outraged, they look to him for that, and they’re not getting much.”
The establishment media have also started taking aim at Biden by trying to find his 2024 replacement. Only 36 percent of Democrats want Biden on the 2024 ticket. Among all voters, a majority of voters believe Biden is unfit to be president and doubt his mental ability. Sixty-two percent say he is not fit to be president because he is too old. According to Gallup polling, 59 percent are worried about his mental and physical fitness.