A Convention of States Action/Trafalgar Group survey released Thursday revealed that most American voters, including the majority of Democrats, believe Vice President Kamala Harris has done a “poor” job handling the southern border crisis.
The survey asked, “President Biden put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge of the southern border crisis in March of 2021. How do you rate her job performance so far?” Three quarters, or 74.9 percent, rated her job performance on the border as “poor,” followed by 12.8 delusional percent who said “excellent,” 6.4 percent who said “good,” and 5.9 percent who said “fair.”
Even a majority of Democrats — 54.6 percent — believe she has done a “poor” job, while roughly a quarter, who are diehard ideologues living in denial, say she has done an “excellent” job.
Nearly all Republicans, 93.7 percent, correctly noted that she has done a “poor” job, as did the vast majority of independent voters — 80.3 percent.
Over the summer, dozens of House Republicans demanded doddering radical President Joe Biden replace Kamala in her capacity managing the response to the southern border crisis. “Despite being in the midst of a border crisis this country has not seen in two decades, Vice President Harris has not yet shown adequate interest in observing this crisis first-hand,” the Republicans wrote in a letter.
That’s because she has no interest in managing the crisis. Our border crisis is part of the Democrat open-borders agenda.