Poll: 48% Think Biden Too Mentally Unstable to Be Prez

Poll: 48% Think Biden Too Mentally Unstable to Be Prez

September 20, 2021

A Sunday Fox News poll revealed that only 49 percent of registered voters think decrepit President Joe Biden has enough “mental soundness” to serve as president.

Respondents were asked, “Do you think Joe Biden has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president, or not?” Forty-nine percent inexplicably said yes, but the significant figure is that a whopping 48 percent said no. That is a rise of three more points since a similar poll was taken earlier this month.

On the question asking if respondents believe “Joe Biden is a strong leader, or not?” only 45 percent said yes, down four points from October of 2020. Fifty-three percent said Biden is not a strong leader, up eight points since October 2020.

The poll also asked, “Do you think the country has become more or less united since Joe Biden took office?” Fifty-four percent of the country said less united, while 37 percent — diehard Progressives in denial — said the country is more united since Biden took office.

The poor polling numbers on Biden’s mental soundness come as the Foreign Relations Committee’s ranking member, Sen. James Risch (R-ID), told hapless Secretary of State Antony Blinken on September 14, “There’s real questions right now as to who’s making the decisions. We know for a fact that the President of the United States is somewhat disadvantaged here, in that someone is calling shots.”

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