Polarizing Dixie Chicks Endorse Beto at Concert, He Gets Booed

Polarizing Dixie Chicks Endorse Beto at Concert, He Gets Booed

October 12, 2022

During a concert on Saturday in Houston, The Dixie Chicks musical group endorsed TX gubernatorial loser Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, eliciting boos from the crowd.

The Dixie Chicks, now known as just The Chicks because “Dixie” is triggering to their fans, previously were at the center of controversy when they infamously slammed then-President George W. Bush and America while performing abroad.

Gun-grabbing totalitarian O’Rourke sat in the audience during the endorsement as singer Natalie Maines gushed, “Let me tell you something. Do you have a mother? Do you have a sister? Do you have a daughter? Do you have a girlfriend? Vote Beto! If you have a female in your life that you care about, vote for Beto. Stand up, show up for her in November.”

As Breitbart’s John Nolte notes, “The Irishman O’Rourke has not led in a single poll against incumbent Republican Governor Greg Abbott. Currently, the Irishman O’Rourke is losing by an average approaching double digits – 8.6 points or 51.2 to 42.6 percent. The Irishman O’Rourke needs to expand his base of support, not sit around at Dixie Chicks concerts with the left-wing choir.”

Nolte added, “What’s more, the Dixie Chicks are polarizing. Most Texans and Americans are disgusted by their obnoxious mix of far-left feminism and entertainment.

Nolte concluded that “this endorsement, coupled with the all-important and persuasive [cross-dressing singer] Harry Styles endorsement, should put the Irishman O’Rourke over the top. Way to go, Beto… You really have your finger on the pulse of Texas. Nothing swings Texas votes like three humorless feminists and a guy in drag.”

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