Perez: Trump Will ‘Stop at Nothing’ to ‘Steal an Election’

Perez: Trump Will ‘Stop at Nothing’ to ‘Steal an Election’

May 21, 2020

Wednesday on MSNBC, Democrat National Committee chairman Tom Perez accused President Trump of attempting to “steal the election” by opposing vote-by-mail during the coronavirus pandemic.

Asked about safeguarding “free and fair elections” in November, Perez said, “It’s the highest priority, Chris because we know that you’re going to see voter suppression on steroids in the months ahead. We had a conversation I know about the election in Wisconsin recently where they tried to weaponize the pandemic to suppress the vote and steal the state supreme court race. It failed miserably. That’s what you’re going to see…

“What we have to do between now and November is make sure that every single voter in every single state has a choice,” Perez continued. “The choice to vote on election day. So the choice to early vote, the more days of early voting, the more social distancing you do and the right to vote absentee with no excuse, the right to vote by mail. Republicans and Democrats agree on that. This president, in a desperate effort to steal an election, is going to stop at nothing.”

Absolutely false. The problem will not be Republican voter suppression but Democrat voter fraud.

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