Pelosi: Supporters of TX Lawsuit ‘Brought Dishonor to the House’

Pelosi: Supporters of TX Lawsuit ‘Brought Dishonor to the House’

December 14, 2020

In a statement issued on Friday celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the election case Texas lodged, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared that the 126 Republican members of the House who supported the suit  “brought dishonor” to the lower chamber.

“The Court has rightly dismissed out of hand the extreme, unlawful and undemocratic GOP lawsuit to overturn the will of millions of American voters,” Pelosi wrote, referring to Texas’s case against Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin for violating both the Electors Clause and Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause.

“The 126 Republican Members that signed onto this lawsuit brought dishonor to the House,” Pelosi continued. “Instead of upholding their oath to support and defend the Constitution, they chose to subvert the Constitution and undermine public trust in our sacred democratic institutions.”

This is predictable Democrat projection. They are the ones guilty of subverting the Constitution and undermining public trust in the election process through widespread, demonstrable voter fraud. The Democrat Party is dishonor personified.

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