Pelosi Slams SF Archbishop as Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Woman

Pelosi Slams SF Archbishop as Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Woman

March 27, 2023

During an event Thursday at Georgetown University’s Center on Faith and Justice, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi blasted San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, calling him an “extreme” opponent of the LGBTQ community.

“How can I say this nicely? There’s just no way. We’ve had very, very negative anti-LGBTQ stuff coming from our archbishop and others,” Ms. Pelosi said.

Archbishop Cordileone “was responsible for putting on the ballot Proposition 8 because he had all this conservative money that put this on the ballot, something about marriage. I’m not exactly sure what it was, but we got rid of it later,” she continued, in reference to a 2008 ballot measure that sought to amend the California Constitution to define marriage as being between one man and one woman.

Moreover, Cordileone leads “every parade against women honoring their own sense of responsibility or LGBTQ,” she added in reference to the prelate’s participation in the March for Marriage and the pro-life Walk for Life West Coast.

Pelosi went on to rant that the archbishop’s support for unborn life and man-woman marriage suggests he wants to exclude some people from the kingdom of God.

“And so he’s made it very clear: Maybe we’re not all God’s children. Maybe we do not have a free will,” Pelosi declared. “Right now, our challenge are trans kids, that in certain states they will arrest you if you try to meet the needs of your trans child, the health needs; they call that child abuse,” she stated regarding laws banning the use of puberty blockers and sex transition surgery on minors.

“Yeah, and some of it is stirred up by the more conservative leaders in the Church,” she added, before taking issue with Cordileone’s position on abortion.

“Yeah, I had a problem with my archbishop, well, the archbishop of the city I represent. But I figure that’s his problem, not mine, because I had five children in six years,” she said.

It’s unclear how that statement even makes sense, much less strengthens her argument for abortion, but in any case, Pelosi’s self-declared “devout” Catholicism, like Biden’s, means rejecting fundamental Catholic tenets when it suits her politically.

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