Pelosi: Kavanaugh Belongs on Court Like ‘Fly on the Moon’

Pelosi: Kavanaugh Belongs on Court Like ‘Fly on the Moon’

October 11, 2018

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board Wednesday afternoon that newly-installed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh no more belongs on the Court “than a fly on the moon.”

Chronicle editor-in-chief Audrey Cooper live-tweeted Pelosi’s pre-election meeting with the editorial board, noting that Pelosi rejected suggestions to impeach Kavanaugh if Democrats win the House in November. “People just care about how we are going to make their lives better,” Pelosi said, according to Cooper.

Cooper also tweeted, “Other Pelosi quip on Justice Kavanaugh: “He no longer belongs there (on the SC) than a fly on the moon,” which Cooper quickly corrected to say, “no *more* belongs there.”

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