O’Rourke: Trump Most ‘Hateful, Racist’ President in US History

O’Rourke: Trump Most ‘Hateful, Racist’ President in US History

August 19, 2020

At the Democrat National Convention (DNC) on Monday evening, failed Democrat presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, infamous for asserting “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15s,” called President Trump “the most destructive, hateful, racist president in the history of this country, who is literally [sic] tearing apart the fabric of the United States of America.”

O’Rourke’s hyperbolic blathering was part of a 4.5-minute video clip played at the DNC, in which all the failed candidates for the 2020 Democrat primary take turns slamming Trump as a failed president who has — all together now — “divided the country.” They say electing Joe Biden in November will allow them to achieve utopian objectives; Kamala Harris, for example, calls for “reproductive justice,” and grandstanding blowhard Cory Booker demands “racial justice.”

The speakers went on to gush praise for Biden,the least charismatic and most incapable Democrat presidential candidate since Michael Dukakis. O’Rourke, for example, says he admires Biden “for being his own man. He knows who he is.” Actually, it’s not clear that the cognitively-challenged Biden does know who he is.

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