O’Rourke: Immigration Policy Causing ‘Suffering and Death’

O’Rourke: Immigration Policy Causing ‘Suffering and Death’

July 1, 2019

Sunday on CBS’s Face the Nation, White House contender Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said the Trump administration’s immigration policy is causing “suffering and death.”

After explaining that he was traveling to Mexico to meet with “asylum seekers,” O’Rourke said, “This inhumane policy is causing suffering and death, and I want to call attention to what we are doing…

“I think that asylum seekers should be able to apply from their home countries,” O’Rourke continued. “So from Honduras or Guatemala or El Salvador to the United States, without having to make that journey by foot in the first place, it’ll ensure that they are following our laws and it will guarantee greater safety and reduce suffering for them.”

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