O’Rourke: Critical Race Theory Not Being Taught in Our Schools

O’Rourke: Critical Race Theory Not Being Taught in Our Schools

March 14, 2022

Speaking at a town hall-style event in Victoria, Texas on Friday, failed presidential candidate and gun-grabbing radical Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke (D-TX) claimed falsely that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is not currently being taught in schools.

“We don’t see [critical race theory] being taught in our schools right now,” O’Rourke declared. “It’s a course that is taught in law school.”

This is so far from the reality of the widespread indoctrination of CRT, that O’Rourke is either utterly ignorant of the issue or trying to downplay it. Either case is bad.

Asked by a member of the audience if he thought CRT should be taught in schools, O’Rourke surprisingly replied, “No, I don’t think it should be taught in our schools, yeah.”

Breitbart News reports, however, that O’Rourke “has reversed himself on many issues in the past. For example, the failed presidential and senatorial candidate has advocated for confiscating Americans’ guns, then reversed himself, and reversed himself again.”

Don’t expect O’Rourke to take a strong stand against CRT if he miraculously manages to win the gubernatorial seat he is campaigning for. Once elected, he will let his true leftist colors fly.

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