In the most recent episode of her Apple TV series, media mogul Oprah Winfrey claimed America cannot achieve “restoration” until the nation acknowledges “racial injustice” and a “betrayal” of black Americans.
The episode featured Bryan Stevenson, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, who described America as a nation plagued by an “ideology of white supremacy.”
“[N]obody gets to move forward…” Oprah said, “until there is some acknowledgement, some spoken, a claim to the fact that, ‘I did that, and I am sorry…’ I’m wondering how do you think that acknowledgement of what has been done in this country in terms of racial injustice — beginning with slavery — how should that be acknowledged? Is it reparations? What is it? How does it show itself?”
Well, Oprah, perhaps it shows itself in these ways: a civil war which cost 2/3 of a million American lives; the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the government’s official apology for slavery and Jim Crow laws in 2008; affirmative action policies; a twice-elected black President; opportunities for a black woman to become a billionaire media mogul and lecture America about “systemic racism”…