Oprah Network Show: Every ‘Heterosexual Cisgendered White Male’ is ‘a Bad Guy’

Oprah Network Show: Every ‘Heterosexual Cisgendered White Male’ is ‘a Bad Guy’

March 12, 2021

In Monday night’s episode of Queen Sugar on the Oprah Winfrey Network, a white female college student lectures her father that he is a “bad guy” from the moment he was born, just like “every other heterosexual cisgendered white male.”

Queen Sugar is a drama created by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist/filmmaker Ava DuVernay about a black family running a sugar cane farm in rural Louisiana. DuVernay has openly threatened whites in the entertainment industry with racial hiring retribution, and has smeared former President Trump as a “white supremacist.”

In the episode in question, black activist journalist Nova (played by Rutina Wesley) is playing poker with her white boyfriend Calvin (Greg Vaughn) and his white daughter Courtney, who gets all feminist over Calvin complaining that she is an “aggressive” winner. She demands if he ever said such a thing “at poker night with the fellas,” and he replies, “Okay when did I become the bad guy?”

“When you were born,” Courtney shoots back. “Like every other heterosexual cisgendered white male.”

“Wait a minute,” Calvin says. “’When I was born’? What are they teaching you at this college?”

Well, what they are teaching her at college (and what is spreading throughout K-12 education and in corporate boardrooms) is Critical Race Theory, which views everything through the lens of racial power dynamics and posits that America is a country suffering from systemic white supremacy, and that straight white males are irredeemably racist oppressors.

“Calvin” apparently hasn’t been reading FrontPage Mag or Discover the Networks about academic indoctrination.

“I’m just saying, we’re all born into a system,” Courtney opines smugly in a heavy-handed political speech. “Either works for us or against us. Of course we all have choices we can make, but there’s no such thing as neutrality. These facts bear themselves out in ways big and small. Like your comment about women being too aggressive at a game that is literally meant to be aggressive.”

An impressed, approving Nova chimes in, “Well said, young lady. Well said.”

As Breitbart News points out, the show’s executive producer “Oprah Winfrey has repeatedly described America as a country running rampant with ‘systemic racism’ and ‘white privilege.’ Winfrey, owner of a $25 million private jet, multiple island homes, and who’s worth an estimated $2.6 billion holds that ‘racism’ can be ‘unconscious’ and that ‘racial injustice’ is a phenomenon in America.”

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