Omar: Sen. Manchin’s Excuses Are ‘Complete Bullsh-t’

Omar: Sen. Manchin’s Excuses Are ‘Complete Bullsh-t’

December 20, 2021

Sunday on MSNBC’s Velshi, radical “Squad” member and antisemitic Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar dismissed Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) “excuses” of inflation and concern over the ongoing pandemic as “complete bullshit” after he announced he would not vote for President Joe Biden’s “Build Back Better Act.”

“I mean, we all knew that Senator Manchin couldn’t be trusted,” Omar’s smear began. “The excuses he just made, I think, are complete bullshit. It is really disheartening to hear him say that he has been trying to get there for the people of West Virginia because that’s a complete lie.”

Complete lie = anything that obstructs the left’s Marxist agenda.

“The people of West Virginia would greatly benefit from their families having access to long-term elderly care and care for folks with disabilities,” Omar lied. “They would benefit from the expansion of the child tax credits. They will benefit from having access to pre-K. There are just so many things that, you know, the people of West Virginia desperately need. And we know that he is not working on behalf of their interests, and I really am just completely disappointed and disgusted by his reasoning.”

What truly disgusts Omar about Manchin is that he is not working on behalf of the anti-American, Marxist left’s interests.

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