Omar: Prosecute Trump for ‘Criminal Neglect’ in Pandemic

Omar: Prosecute Trump for ‘Criminal Neglect’ in Pandemic

December 19, 2020

Thursday on MSNBC, Rep. Ilhan Omar said  that President Trump should be investigated and prosecuted for his “dangerous criminal neglect” in the coronavirus pandemic.

Asked if she supported the idea of an independent commission inside of the Biden administration to investigate Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, the radical Rep. Omar replied, “I do. As you know, I lost my father on June 16th. I remember my dad was in Kenya. He came back into the United States when COVID hit because he thought he would be safer here. I know that my father and over 300,000 people have lost their lives to COVID because of dangerous criminal neglect by Trump and his administration. I agree with Clyburn that it is not enough for us just to issue subpoenas. We have to investigate and prosecute these people responsible for these reckless deaths.”

This is insane. No crime has been committed. If Omar wants to charge anyone with negligent homicide or something, she should begin with state Democrat leaders like Andrew Cuomo who exacerbated COVID deaths through their lethal incompetence. Trump and his administration did everything possible to contain and manage this novel virus, so much so that his presidential rival Joe Biden’s plan for handling COVID is literally no different.

Omar continued, “My father should be here today. So many of my family members should be here today, and they aren’t here because we don’t have leaders that care about their lives. The president to this day has not shown an ounce of compassion to the people who have passed away. They still have not acknowledged the devastating loss so many of us are feeling.”

This is just a hateful smear, claiming that Trump doesn’t care about those who lost their lives. The fact is that Democrats like Omar are the ones who don’t have compassion for COVID victims, whom they have exploited (just like Omar did in this interview with her own father) to weaponize the virus against Trump politically. Shame on them, and on Omar.

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