Omar: ‘I Resent’ Anyone Who Says Trump ‘Is Not Racist’

Omar: ‘I Resent’ Anyone Who Says Trump ‘Is Not Racist’

October 2, 2020

Thursday on MSNBC’s Live, Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar slandered President Trump as “a white supremacist” and said she resented anyone claiming otherwise.

Omar said, “I mean this man is a white supremacist, so no surprise that he has ideas of feeling that Somalis are worthless and having a hard time accepting the fact that, you know, a district that is 65% white can elect a Somali refugee… Not only are Minnesotans welcoming of refugees, they have sent one to Washington to represent them. We are very clear that in Minnesota, we are greater than hate. That is why he didn’t win Minnesota in 2016 and why he won’t this year.”

“I resent anyone who says this president is not racist,” Omar added. “I resent anyone who says, you know, this president is not a white supremacist because for the last four years and in his history, this president has told us who he is and we can no longer —we can no longer turn a blind eye to that. He’s destroying our country, and we have to make sure we defeat him.”

She concluded, “He clearly, you know, loves to create division, chaos, and that’s, you know, how he distracts people from his inability to lead.” Speaking of distracting, Omar’s comments are a distraction from the undercover Project Veritas video recently exposing Omar’s role in voter fraud in her home state, in addition to the issue of her alleged immigration fraud and other controversies.

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