Omar Blasted for Anti-Christian Bigotry Over Video Comment

Omar Blasted for Anti-Christian Bigotry Over Video Comment

April 20, 2022

Noted antisemite and sharia-supporter Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) incurred a flood of social media condemnation — and rightfully so — over the weekend for her remarks about a video of passengers singing Christian music on a plane.

In the now-viral video, captioned “Worshipping Jesus 30,000 feet in the air,” passengers are seen singing a popular Christian worship song inside an airliner. The clip was originally posted by Jack Jensz Jr., founder of Kingdom Realm Ministries, who has been assisting Ukrainian refugees in Europe along with his congregation.

The Muslim congresswoman retweeted the clip, adding, “I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane. How do you think it will end?”

“I think you should shut up and stop being a bigot,” responded conservative author Kurt Schlichter.

“Ilhan Omar @IlhanMN attacks a group of Christian volunteers on an @easyJet flight in Europe delivering aid to Ukraine, because they’re singing,” wrote activist and businessman Avi Kaner.

“Why does this person who lives free and liberated because of the compassion of our country not appreciate that we’re a Judeo-Christian society uniquely founded to protect those of all faiths?” wrote talk radio host Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo.

“Why does she constantly denigrate the place that offered her so much?” he asked. “Praying for her.”

“I spent decades flying in the Middle East. We weren’t even allowed to bring Bibles into the countries or worship. This sort of impromptu singing would turn into arrests and imprisonment,” wrote former congressional Republican candidate and Air Force pilot Buzz Patterson. “I’ll celebrate our freedoms here. You do you.”

“I doubt that people would care one bit. It’s the slitting of throats with box cutters and flying jetliners into buildings that we have an issue with. Next question,” wrote conservative commentator Todd Starnes.

“Stop with the Christianphobia, Congresswoman,” wrote conservative author and YouTube personality Mark Dice.

“If someone yelled Allahu Akbar I’d freak out, YOU’d freak out and ANY Muslim would freak out given the fact we still have many radical Islamists in our religion (Hizbollah, ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas etc) all would love to hijack a plane for another 9/11 who we kidding..,” wrote former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan.

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