Omar Believes Biden Accuser: ‘Justice Should Never Be Denied’

Omar Believes Biden Accuser: ‘Justice Should Never Be Denied’

May 25, 2020

In an interview with Britain’s Sunday Times, Rep. Ilhan Omar declared that she believes Tara Reade’s sexual assault claim against presumptive 2020 Democrat nominee Joe Biden, warning that the historical nature of the allegation should not deny her justice.

“I do believe Reade,” she said about Reade’s claim that the then-Senator for Delaware Biden sexually assaulted her while she was working for him as a staffer. “Justice can be delayed, but should never be denied.”

She added that if it were up to her, Biden would not be the Democrat nominee.

By breaking with the many establishment Democrats who have come to Biden’s defense (and who threw the #MeToo anti-sexual harassment movement under the bus in the process), Omar is not so much coming to the defense of victims of sexual assault as she is signaling her solidarity with the growing number of far-left radicals in Congress, all of whom backed aging communist Bernie Sanders against Old School Biden for the nominee.

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