Unhinged Olbermann Wants Blue States to Declare ‘Economic Civil War’ on Pro-2A Red States

Unhinged Olbermann Wants Blue States to Declare ‘Economic Civil War’ on Pro-2A Red States

February 16, 2023

Unhinged, unemployable political performance artist Keith Olbermann responded to Monday’s Michigan State University shooting by urging blue states to declare “economic civil war” on the red states where gun companies and Republican Party thrive.

“We are owned by guns,” Olbermann prefaced his rant. “We are OWNED by guns. Only one thing will change that. We must have Economic Civil War. Blue States must financially starve the Red States, the Gun Lobby, the GOP, the Death Lobby, and the crooked judiciary into submission.”

His tweet contained a video in which he expounded on his call for blue states to rise up:

Olbermann previously reacted with typical profane rage to a June 1, 2022, Tulsa, Oklahoma, shooting in a doctor’s office by claiming the Second Amendment does not protect a right to “own” guns. He tweeted: “‘Shove your “responsible gun owners’ crap up your ass. The 2nd Amendment does not include the word ‘own.’ There is no right.”

Since Olbermann’s insignificant audience doesn’t include any gun owners who care what he has to say, or any blue state leaders who could put his economic civil war into effect, he’s just shouting into the wind as usual.

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