O’Donnell: Senate is Democracy’s Most Serious Flaw

O’Donnell: Senate is Democracy’s Most Serious Flaw

February 3, 2020

During MSNBC’s impeachment coverage on Friday, host Lawrence O’Donnell stated that “American democracy once again revealed its most serious structural flaw: the United States Senate.”

“The Senate is now, always has been, and always will be, an anti-democratic institution,” O’Donnell pontificated. “Because the Senate does not represent people. The House of Representatives represents people. That’s why it’s called the people’s House. The U.S. Senate represents land. And because people are not evenly distributed over our land, the 760,000 people of North Dakota get two United States senators, and the 39 million people of California get two United States senators…

“And so, to the people on Twitter today who found themselves despairing at the Senate’s anti-democratic action…” he added, “American democracy didn’t die today. American democracy once again revealed its most serious structural flaw: the United States Senate.”

Whenever Dems lose at anything, they conclude the entire process is anti-democratic and must be scrapped.

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