O’Donnell Donating to ‘Children in Cages’ in ‘Trump Camps’

O’Donnell Donating to ‘Children in Cages’ in ‘Trump Camps’

July 5, 2019

On the 4th of July, former comedienne Rosie O’Donnell announced on social media that she intends to match the money made from the sale of her artwork and donate the funds to nonprofit organizations assisting illegal aliens.

“ROSIEODONNELL2019 https://www.etsy.com/shop/ROSIEODONNELL2019 … via @Etsy – all money made will be matched by me and donated to non profits helping children in cages in trump camps,” Rosie O’Donnell tweeted. “#NoKidsInCages.”

Like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, O’Donnell refers to detention facilities on the U.S.-Mexico border as concentration camps. “trump concentration camps for brown children #ImpeachmentInquiryNow #NoKidsInCages,” O’Donnell had tweeted on Tuesday.

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