Obama to 2020 Grads: Hope Is a ‘Hammer’ to ‘Break the Glass’

Obama to 2020 Grads: Hope Is a ‘Hammer’ to ‘Break the Glass’

June 8, 2020

In an online commencement speech on Sunday, former President Barack Obama addressed the protests raging across the nation in reaction to the police killing of George Floyd, telling graduates, “hope is a hammer.”

“You don’t always need hope when everything’s fine,” Obama said. “It’s when things seem darkest, that’s when you need it the most. Hope is not a lottery ticket. It’s a hammer for us to use in a national emergency, to break the glass, sound the alarm, and sprint into action. That’s what hope is.”

The protests, Obama continued, “speak to decades’ worth of anguish and frustration over unequal treatment and a failure to reform police practices and the broader criminal justice system.” He went on to declare that “the old normal wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t working that well.”

Obama, of course, is the Saul Alinsky-trained radical who urged the “fundamental transformation” of America and who has done nothing to discourage the current, nationwide tide of rioting and looting.

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