Friday on a podcast called Pod Save America, former President Barack Obama scolded fellow Democrats for being “buzzkills” obsessed over the wrong things, like Donald Trump.
After using himself as an example of a politician who could seem out of touch when becoming “professorial,” the former president who spied on Trump’s campaign said that voters wonder, “How is politics even relevant to things I care most deeply about? My family, my kids, work that gives me satisfaction, having fun. Hell, not being a buzzkill.”
He added this about the left’s fascist cancel culture: “And sometimes Democrats are [a buzzkill]. Sometimes people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells, and they want some acknowledgment that life is messy and that all of us, at any given moment, can say things the wrong way, make mistakes.”
The former president who spied on Trump’s campaign also said Democrats need to stop focusing on things that don’t matter:
[Democrats] spend enormous amounts of time and energy and resources pointing out the latest crazy thing [Trump] said, or how rude or mean some of these Republican candidates behaved. That’s probably not something that in the minds of most voters overrides their basic interests — Can I pay the rent? What are gas prices? How am I dealing with childcare?
For once, Obama is right about something.