NY Times: ‘Airplanes Took Aim at World Trade Center’ on 9/11

NY Times: ‘Airplanes Took Aim at World Trade Center’ on 9/11

September 11, 2019

Confirming President Trump’s assertion that the left-leaning news media are “the enemy of the people,” the New York Times commemorated the 18th anniversary today of the 9/11 attacks with a tweet stating that “airplanes took aim at the World Trade Center” that day.

“Eighteen years have passed since airplanes took aim at the World Trade Center and brought them down,” read the Islam-sanitized, now-deleted tweet. “Today, families will once again gather and grieve at the site where more than 2000 people died.”

Apart from the Times‘ astonishing miscalculation of the number of murdered innocents (just under 3000, not 2000), the fact that the leftist paper shifted the blame from Islamic terrorists to “airplanes” — as if the jets targeted the Twin Towers on their own — demonstrates the degree to which the left will cover for its ally Islam.

As John Nolte at Breitbart News pointed out, “You can bet that had white supremacists brought down the World Trade Center, ‘WHITE SUPREMACIST’ would appropriately blaze in every headline.”

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