Newsom on Dianne Feinstein Not Stepping Down: ‘I Leave It To Her’

Newsom on Dianne Feinstein Not Stepping Down: ‘I Leave It To Her’

September 11, 2023

In an interview with Chuck Todd Sunday on NBC News’ Meet The Press, California Governor Gavin Newsom declined to call on Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), 90, to resign from her office amid continued health problems and her inability to fully function as a senator.

“The senior senator here has – her daughter apparently has power of attorney,” Todd said. “She as an elected official has power of attorney over 40 million people’s representation in Washington, D.C. Why should she still be serving as a senator?”

“Well, I leave it to her,” Newsom responded. “I told you, I’m – I’m the most subjective human being in the world on this topic. I have no objectivity whatsoever. I’ve known Dianne Feinstein since I was a kid. I interned with her in college. I still have a signed book from my days when she was mayor.”

Newsom defended Feinstein, saying that it “wasn’t that long ago” where she would call him to read laws to him “related to forest management, vegetation management, what we’re doing in the central valley on drought and water issues. Again, that wasn’t the black-and-white movie days. That was not too long ago.”

Newsom then suggested that her staff are the ones who are really running the show, saying that they are “extraordinarily active.”

He said that he is confident that her staff was fulfilling her duties. “I don’t think it, I know it,” he said. “We’re working extraordinarily closely together.”

OK, so her staff is running the show, which confirms that Feinstein isn’t up to the task and should be removed.

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