LOL: Newsom – DeSantis ‘Scared’ Because of ‘Extreme’ FL Gun Law

LOL: Newsom – DeSantis ‘Scared’ Because of ‘Extreme’ FL Gun Law

April 7, 2023

Friday on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports, network anchor and former White House press propagandist Jen Psaki previewed her interview with Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) that will air on her show Inside on Sunday.

Introducing the video, Psaki said, “What we talked about during this interview which will air Sunday, is this fight against authoritarianism, what we have seen in Tennessee. The need to speak out on the need for gun reform, the need for women to have the ability to make decisions about their own health care, for LGBTQ rights. That is not just a blue-state campaign. So he went into the heart of a bunch of red states to do that.”

Democrats speaking out against authoritarianism? What a crock of hypocrisy.

Psaki said, “There was a startling split screen. You had 1,000 kids in Nashville out there protesting the lack of action on gun reform measures, while you had Governor DeSantis signing a bill on permitless carry behind closed doors. What did you make of that?”

Newsom said, “Scared to death. Scared to death.”

Psaki asked, “The people in Florida?”

Newsom said, “Yes, that overwhelmingly oppose that position. I think the majority of NRA members probably oppose that position. I mean, no background checks, no background, none? Really I mean, no training? Why would we do that with weapons of war?”

Psaki said, “Which is what permitless carry means.”

Newsom said, “That is extreme in the extreme.”

The idea that DeSantis is scared of the people of Florida is laughable. They absolutely love him, and people are crawling all over each other to move to his state. Meanwhile, half a million people moved out of Newsom’s third world failed state in the last two years alone.

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