New York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend: Let’s Get Rid of God

New York Times Op-ed on Holy Weekend: Let’s Get Rid of God

April 18, 2022

The far-left propaganda outlet The New York Times chose Good Friday, which commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus, to publish an op-ed that proposes rejecting belief in God.

Titled “In This Time of War, I Propose We Give Up God,” the article by disillusioned ex-Jew and New Yorker Shalom Auslander, who claims that God is responsible for “war and violence” and for “oppression and suffering.” He argues that, especially as war currently rages in Ukraine, we stop teaching children about Him:

God, it seems, paints with a wide brush. He paints with a roller. In Egypt, said our rabbi, he even killed first-born cattle. He killed cows. If he were mortal, the God of Jews, Christians and Muslims would be dragged to The Hague. And yet we praise him. We emulate him. We implore our children to be like him.

Perhaps now, as missiles rain down and the dead are discovered in mass graves, is a good time to stop emulating this hateful God. Perhaps we can stop extolling his brutality. Perhaps now is a good time to teach our children to pass over God — to be as unlike him as possible…

Killing gods is an idea I can get behind.

The article is so poorly-argued and theologically illiterate that one must assume the Times published it on Passover/Easter weekend solely for its clickbait value.

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