New York Supermarkets Pull Ben & Jerry’s Over Israel Boycott

New York Supermarkets Pull Ben & Jerry’s Over Israel Boycott

July 21, 2021

According to a report from World Israel News, the Progressive ice cream company Ben & Jerry’s products are being pulled from the shelves of several supermarket chains in New York since the company announced its plans to boycott Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

“Seasons has removed all Ben and Jerry’s products from all its stores as a result of the ice cream maker’s decision to cease sales in parts of Israel. We stand with Israel. Always,” reads a message to customers Monday from the upscale kosher supermarket chain located in New York and New Jersey.

Morton Williams Supermarkets board of directors met Monday evening to agree to “reduce the Ben & Jerry’s products it sells in its 16 stores by 70 percent.” The board also agreed to stop promoting the ice cream company in the weekly circulars and put the products in the “least desirable locations.”

“Aron’s Kissena Farms in Queens, and Glatt Express Supermarket in Teaneck, N.J., aren’t waiting and announced that they have already removed the ice cream from their shelves in support of the Jewish State,” the report noted. More stores in the New York regions are reportedly also taking the ice cream off the shelves.

“Ben and Jerry’s decision is a shameful surrender to anti-Semitism, to BDS, to all the evil in the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish discourse,” Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said.

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