In a video statement released on Sunday, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu correctly warned Secretary of State Antony Blinken that a nuclear deal with Iran is a “big mistake” and could endanger the entire world.
“The arrival in Israel of the Arab foreign ministers is a welcome thing. It’s a direct result of the Abraham Accords, which we brought,” Netanyahu said. “Strengthening the Abraham Accords is a good thing for peace, it is a good thing for Israel. Having said that, I strongly disagree with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. I respect him personally, but I think he’s making a big mistake.”
“Iran without the nuclear agreement is a poor country, an isolated country, a country that has no international legitimacy, and no immunity from the military option,” Netanyahu continued. “Iran with the nuclear agreement, becomes a rich country, with hundreds of billions of dollars, which they will use for terror and aggression – a country that breaks through the international isolation and receives immunity for military action.”
“This agreement is dangerous for Israel, for the United States, and for the entire world. It doesn’t prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons or the means to deliver them to the United States and Europe, because they are allowed under the agreement to develop the ballistic missiles that can deliver atomic warheads.”
“So this agreement has to be opposed. And that is what I expect from the Israeli government and all people who are concerned with the security and peace of the world to do: Oppose this agreement now.”