Nadler: Thousands More Will Die If Trump Rushes Reopen

Nadler: Thousands More Will Die If Trump Rushes Reopen

April 30, 2020

Wednesday on MSNBC, Rep. Jerry Nadler claimed that “thousands” more Americans will die if President Trump reopens America too soon to get the economy rebounding in time for the presidential election.

“In terms of reopening, we have to be very, very careful,” Nadler said. “I know that the people are eager to reopen businesses, but there are several things to consider… We know that President Trump is trying to — for political reasons because he wants the economy to look good before his reelection — he’s trying to disregard the science and disregard the medical advice and get the businesses open again. If that happens, it’s going to lead predictably to a lot more people getting sick and to another surge of the virus,” Nadler continued.

He added, “The president is trying to impose artificial, politically-motivated deadlines so that the economy can look good before the third quarter for the election, but if that happens, we’ll simply get a lot — thousands and thousands of more people dead, and we can’t do that.”

Nadler and the Democrats don’t care about dead Americans. They only want the economy stalled in order to hamstring Trump at election time.

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